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Writing Your Membership Profile Description by Beth Billstrom

If you haven’t already filled out your ACCC Membership Profile Description, now is a great time to get to do so. And if you completed yours a while ago, now is a good time to review it. A great way to start is by answering these simple questions:

    1. Who or what first inspired your interest in art?  Was it being outdoors? A teacher? A favorite book or concert you attended? A local or well-known artist? Think back to that first moment that art captured your attention. Write one or two sentences to let others know how you got started. 
    2. How did that inspiration lead you to create art?  Think back again to one of the first things you created… how did you feel? What did you think about it? Did someone say something that encouraged you to keep creating? Did you engage someone else with your art (show it, play it, danced it?) What was your next step? Write one or two sentences about this next step.
    3. What do you create now? This is the nuts and bolts of your profile description.  What type of art do you do? Why is it different than other artwork? Again, write one or two sentences. 
    4. What do you hope to achieve with your art? Inspire others? Share a feeling or sensory experience? Get others interested in creating? Sell it? Horde it? Lol. Let us know… you got it… write one or two sentences.

And now you’ve written the first draft of your Membership Profile Description. Read it aloud and fix anything that doesn’t sound right to you. Then, enter what you’ve written on your Profile Description, congratulate yourself, and return to creating your artwork. Nice job!

Be sure to include an image of yourself and a tagline, here’s an example:

And here’s a link to my Membership Profile on the website.

Beth Billstrom, Membership Coordinator