Tag Archive for: Artspace Open House

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Artspace Focus Group Invitation

Hello, we invite you to participate and give Artspace and the City of Chaska your insights. Please read below…

Please RSVP to info@artsofcarvercounty.org with the subject FOCUS GROUP, and reach out if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you, and thanks in advance!

The City of Chaska has invited Artspace, the nation’s leading nonprofit developer of affordable space for artists and arts organizations, to help the City of Chaska assess the feasibility of a local arts/artist development.

Artspace would like to better understand how artist spaces fit into the community’s current priorities and hear from locals. We invite you to participate and give your insight. With your help, we hope to gather ideas about what the creative sector is missing, collect feedback about potential sites, and look at fresh ideas to serve the needs of the City of Chaska. Potential ideas can include live/work housing, co-working spaces, shared spaces, gallery space, and whatever else you can think of.

We would greatly appreciate your participation at the Public Forum held at the Chaska Event Center on Tuesday August 7th at 6:30- 8:30pm and the Artspace Focus Group on Wednesday August 8th at 11:30 -1pm (space is limited, RSVP required).

The Public Forum is to inform and allow discovery and the Focus Group is an early discussion to gather input from stakeholders about current and new creative spaces and needs that will benefit greatly from your input.

Please come to both opportunities. We request an RSVP for the Focus Group so we can insure a diverse group, see below. Refreshments will be provided.

11:30am – 1:00 pm Focus Group – Artists/Creatives
(Artspace, City Staff & Volunteers @ Chaska City Hall)

Purpose: to understand the space needs of artists and arts organizations, including: current space situation, space needs, economic considerations, and representative arts disciplines.

Possible Participants (15-30): Local and regional artists representing a diversity of: artistic disciplines, career phase/prominence, homeowners/renters, family size, ethnic background, and age. Emphasis on emerging and young artists. Local and regional arts organizations, creative businesses, artist service organizations, and educational institutions/arts schools, all representing a cross-section of services, sizes, operating budgets, artistic disciplines served, for-profit and nonprofit.

Please take a minute to learn more about Artspace prior to the meeting http://www.artspace.org/

The Artspace team will be in Chaska on Tuesday, August 7th and Wednesday, August 8th. Below is a draft Agenda for their visit, if you have any questions or comments – please feel free to contact Kevin Ringwald, AICP, Community Development Director, City of Chaska 952-227-7526 KRingwald@chaskamn.com or Cindy Anderson, ACCC President 612-386-6156 candersonabf@gmail.com.

Link to Agenda for the full 2-day event

Arts Consortium of Carver County

Arts Consortium of Carver County

Artspace Open House for Chaska

The Arts Consortium of Carver County is partnering with the City of Chaska to participate in a market study done by Artspace regarding affordable housing for artists in the City of Chaska. Please consider attending this unique opportunity and share your creative talent and passion for the arts with Artspace.

Artspace Open House Invitation

Artspace is a non-profit group that focuses on creating affordable living space for artists in communities. They are a national group based in Minneapolis, but have projects all over the country including New Orleans, Seattle, New York, etc. They work in a lot of communities that are sort of known for their arts/culture but are very expensive to live in. What they found was that a lot of affordable neighborhoods were attracting artists to live. Once the artists were there, they started creating vibrant neighborhoods where people wanted to hang out. As soon as they created these vibrant neighborhoods, then people wanted to live there, which created more demand for housing, and thus increased the price for rents in the neighborhoods, making it difficult for the artists who made the neighborhoods vibrant to afford to stay and live there. Northeast Minneapolis is a good example of this.

What ArtSpace does is to come in and create the permanent artist living space/studios creating permanent affordability (thus keeping the artists in these neighborhoods long-term) and at the same time creating “maker space” where they can display, sell and teach their art forms, thus bringing the community in to learn how to do things such as painting, pottery, music, glass blowing, metal working, woodworking, etc. Really make these destination places. What Artspace has found is if they put these in the right communities, they can really use it as a tool to make their places more economically vibrant, helping the businesses that are in these spaces be able to thrive.

Artspace is doing an “market study” of Chaska to determine if we would be a good fit for their program. We want to demonstrate to them how diverse and rich our arts community is in Chaska to help demonstrate to them why they should consider Chaska. The Open House is a way for us to “show our strength” by bringing as many artists as possible together to show support for this in our community. Seeking visual, music, literary, performing arts…the more the better!

August 7th at 7 pm in the Event Center in Firemen’s Park. There will be artists performing as part of the open house and also a presentation by Artspace. Will likely last until 9 pm.

Anybody in our arts community or who is interested in it. Having music, visual and performing arts there would be good. Feel free to reach out to people you know that might enjoy this.

Chaska wants to be able to help create an environment to help support our Arts community more, and tie it to ways that it can help make our community more economically vibrant-especially in our Downtown. The communities that do this (i.e. Stillwater, Duluth, Red Wing) all experience what a vibrant arts community does to help drive people to come to their communities.


Artspace is the leading developer of arts facilities – creating, owning, and operating affordable spaces for artists and small businesses.

Contact Person:
Cindy Anderson, ACCC President 612-386-6156