“Flash Fiction” Competition… a VERY short story
Write a fiction story of 600 words or less inspired by the theme A VERY BAD DAY WITH A VERY GOOD ENDING. Judges will select the top three stories from two age categories for publication on the ACCC website.
There will be a live reading opportunity for contestants via Zoom in March, 2021.
Contest begins Jan. 1, 2021
By midnight on Feb. 1, 2021
Contest theme words do not have to appear in the body of the story.
Story maximum: 600 words
Two age categories: Young Adult (13-18) and Adult (19 and older). Judges will determine the top three entries in each category.
Paste your work into the body of an email addressed to flashfiction@artsofcarvercount
Give us your best new work. We will not accept stories previously submitted to an ACCC flash fiction contest.
One story per entrant. We will consider the submission of a story as implied permission to publish it on the ACCC website. Tell us if you choose to opt out. Authors retain all other rights.
All submitting authors will be invited to read their work during an online event in March.
Remember, flash fiction should tell a complete story, with a clear beginning, middle and end. Entries should focus on one event or situation. The essential quality of this genre is its limited scope which leads forcefully (yet logically) to an impact. Plot. Conflict. Climax. Bake these in and rise above slice of life or vignette.
Jim Kane
952 448 4526