Colors of Summer

COMING SOON… Colors of Summer Exhibit

The Arts Consortium of Carver County (ACCC) is currently in the process of bringing our new physical space to life. We are pleased to announce we will be opening our new Arts Center in the Notermann Building in downtown Victoria at 7924 Victoria Drive, Studio Level, Victoria MN 55386.

While we are pulling our first exhibition together now, we will officially be opening later this month. Please drop in to see the very first look Colors of Summer, an exhibit of art created by members of our Board. We welcome you to visit us and join in the fun.

Also new for the ACCC is our ever-expanding gift shop which will have a focus on artist made goods. Talk with our volunteers and learn about class schedules and programs in our new space as well as future gallery exhibits open to Members. The Arts Center will have regular hours of operation along with our programming available on our website soon.

Contact Person
Courtney Miller Bellairs

Image Credit: #551 Chanhassen Nature Preserve C M Bellairs acrylic on board 12 x 12 inches

Arts Consortium of Carver County

CD Release Concert, The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol IV

ACCC CD Vol 4A Concert. Songwriters and musicians from The Songwriters and Musicians of Carver County Vol IV CD will be performing live – introducing the music donated to the CD. The CDs are a celebration of our local musicians and a fundraiser for the ACCC.

Bob Mueller, Marni Daugaard, Colin Patterson, Tara B., Brianna Kocka, SR Dugan, Tom Bright, and Blue Skies Band will be performing.

You can purchase CDs at the concert and after that, on our website. We will have the remaining inventory of our previous CDs at the concert and available for purchase. See Volumes I, II and III.

If you join the ACCC the night of the concert, or renew your membership, you will receive a complimentary Vol IV CD! Membership Info

Event Location
Chaska City Square Park
301 N Chestnut St, Chaska MN

June 8, 2018

6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

This is a FREE event for all

Steve Kelzer


Sower Gallery Chaska MN

“Women’s Voices”

"Malala" by Susan Shields

“Malala” by Susan Shields

“Women’s Voices” is an inter-generational art and writing show, from April 16th until May 31st. The show brings together work in many media and genres that speak about the experience of women at this time in out culture. About 30 artists/writers, aged 10-96 are represented.

Tapestry artist Susan Gangsei will also be in residence in the gallery during the show. Her residency was funded through the award of a grant from Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks the taxpayers of Minnesota and a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. She will be providing sessions on Tuesdays and Thursday from 10 AM to 1 PM beginning April 24th. These guided and interactive session will be planned especially for groups from senior care facilities, by appointment, but others are also welcome to attend.

An Artist’s Reception will be held on Saturday, April 21st from 7-9 PM, and will include wine, food, readings by writers/authors, music, and a drumming circle by a women’s drumming organization from St.Paul. The event is free and open to the public.

Event Location
The Sower Gallery, Shepherd of the Hill Church, 145 Engler Blvd., Chaska

Show: April 16th-May 31st
Residency: April 24th-May 31st Hours Tuesday and Thursday 10-1
Artist’s Reception: April 21st 7-9pm

Gallery Hours
Mon. and Fri. 10-2. Tues, Weds, Thurs. 10-5, Sat. 1-4, Sun. 10-12

Free Event

Susan Lince

More Information      Facebook: The Sower Gallery

Image, “Malala” is by Susan Shields


Call for Musicians for ACCC CD Vol 4

Call For Song Writers and Musicians

The ACCC is now creating Volume 4 of The Song Writers and Musicians of Carver County CD.

We are inviting musicians and song writers to contact Steve Kelzer if you are interested in participating in the creation of the 4th ACCC CD.

Seeking current and former Carver County residents.
Original work only, no covers.

Volumes I, II, and III are available for purchase and the current Volume is given to new members as they join. 100% of the proceeds from the CD sales are donated to the ACCC.

To learn more, please visit our CD page.

Steve Kelzer, Producer
952-465-2384 or

Please contact by March 15, 2018.

ArtStock Art and Wine Festival 2017

WCCO News Covers ArtStock Art & Wine Festival 2017

ArtStock Art & Wine Festival 2017 was a huge success! Thank you to WCCO news form coming out and doing several live interviews during ArtStock, watch one of the segments below. Thank you to our vendors for offering such a great variety of quality items for purchase. We had a huge turnout for ArtStock. Many of our vendors gave us an “Excellent” rating in all categories. And we have deep appreciation for our volunteers who helped get ArtStock set up and cleaned up afterwards. Thank you to Charter Bank and Parley Lake Winery for your sponsorship! We look forward to making 2018 just as successful!


Carver Farm 2 Table

Call For Artists – Farm 2 Table Market

Call For Artists for the Farm 2 Table Market in Carver 2017

Carver Farm 2 Table Market is a weekly market held on Saturdays in downtown Carver during the summer.

Event Location
Downtown Historic Carver near the River at the end of the town. There is a large lot near the tugboat… that is where it is held every Saturday from June – October.

June 24 – Oct 21

9:00am – 1:00pm

Event Deadline

We have a our local Farm 2 Table Market in the heart of Downtown Carver and would love for you join us. We have tables for artists – paint, sculpture, textile, weavers. Could be with instruction and charge for lessons or simply sell your art. Would love to see artists creating and showing others how. We are highlight the historic past of Carver with stories or poems and music brings it all together. So looking for solo or small group acoustic artists to play during the Farm to table. Art on local barn wood and such would be great or photographers who focus on farms and landscape of this area.

$75 for entire season. Fee is negotiable based number of times artists are going to be there.

Contact Person
Sue Thompson

Additional Information and Updates

Carver Farm 2 Table


CD Release Concert a Success

The Songwriters, Musicians and Music of Carver County, Vol III CD

Success! Beautiful weather – Good crowd – Great concert!
8 of 21 musicians on the Volume III CD played live
2-3 pieces each
We Sold 35 CDs at the event, all proceeds go to the ACCC
All music was donated to the ACCC by the songwriters and musicians that participated

Thanks, again, to producer, Steve Kelzer
For a full list of the participants and to buy the CD online, visit our CD page.

ACCC CD III Release Concert


2017 CD Release Concert – New Time 6:30pm

Songwriters, Musicians & Music of Carver County
Vol. III 
CD Release Concert
Friday, June 9

ACCC CD Vol 3Chaska City Square Park, located in Downtown Chaska just East of Hwy 41 Directions

7 CD Musicians Performing, starts at 6:30 pm – arrive early to get a good spot!

The ACCC would like to thank the Musicians for donating to this CD, Steve Kelzer for producing the CD and the City of Chaska for supporting the concert.

Performance Schedule

Traveled Ground 6:30 -6:55

Tara B  7:00 – 7:15

Holly and Chris Halldorson  7:20 – 7:35

Shawn R Dugan  7:40 – 7:55

Collin Patterson  8:00 -8:10

Tanecsha Jones  8:15 – 8:25

Blue Skies 8:30 – 8:50

For a list of all artists who participated in this Volume III CD, or the first two volumes, visit our CD page!


Arts Consortium of Carver County

May ArtMatters Newsletter

Welcome to the May issue of the ACCC ArtMatters Newsletter

Mark your calendar with these Event dates and enjoy the festivities.

Artists – Look for participation deadlines so you don’t miss out!

The 3rd ACCC CD will be available for purchase at the Release Concert June 9th at 6:30pm!
* New deadline dates – Artist Registrations for ArtStock are due by June 19 and Registrations for the Victoria Fine Art Fair are due by July 24. *

We look forward to seeing everyone who can attend!

5.17 ArtMatters Newsletter

Sower Gallery Chaska MN

Fall Festival at Sower Gallery

Shepherd of the Hill Fall Festival of Art, Crafts, Music and Food Saturday, September 23, 2017

This first information is provided on behalf of Shepherd of the Hill Church and Sower Gallery:

Call to artists for Fall Festival Art, Crafts, Music and Food on the grounds of the Shepherd of the Hill Church from 9am-3pm on Saturday, Sept.23rd for artists not participating in Art Wander (the same weekend). This is an opportunity to demonstrate art, display art, and sell art on the same weekend that visitors are coming to Carver County for Art Wander.

Booth fees are reasonable. Artists can contact Shepherd of the Hill at 952-442-3882 for information about registering. Here is the Registration Form Link.