ACCC Art Gallery Guidelines & Standards


PAINTINGS: (Watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastels, mixed media, gouache, casein, tempera): Must be properly framed for the protection of the work and safe handling. Oil paintings must be dry. It is recommended that work larger than 30” x 36” be covered with Plexiglas. All PAINTINGS must have d- ring hooks and wire on the back, attached at approximately one-third of the work’s height from the top of the frame.
SCULPTURE: (3D object created with materials such as metal, wood, clay, stone, bronze, or glass): Sculpture with a base must be firmly attached to the base.
DRAWINGS: (The creation of an image or mark through the use of materials such as graphite, ink, or charcoal.) See above, same guidelines as for 1.
COLLAGE: (The work contains materials from newspapers and magazines, as well as found objects and paint that are then adhered to a flat surface.) See above, same guidelines as for 1.
PRINTMAKING: (Made through a technique resulting in a lithograph, etching, engraving, woodcut, screen-print.) See above, same guidelines as for 1.
CERAMICS: (Pottery/works made from clay.) Delicately constructed work requiring more than normal careful handling is not eligible.
TEXTILES: (batik, felted wool, fiber): Hand-made and/or hand-decorated items are eligible.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Color or black and white. Traditional presentations must be framed and covered with glass or Plexiglas. Non-traditional presentations must also be framed, but not necessarily covered with glass or Plexiglas.
JEWELRY: Hand-made items are eligible.
GLASS: Fused glass, stained-glass and mosaics.
BOOKS: Original works.
CDs: Original works.
VIDEO: Work comprised of visual or audio content created with cameras.
PRINTS: (reproduction): See above, same rules as for 1.
NEW MEDIA: (The work is the creation of an original or the manipulation of an image through digital techniques and software.) See above, same rules as for 1.
INSTALLATION: (The work is made of 2D or 3D objects arranged in a specific manner.)
WRITINGS: A poem, flash fiction, or another short literary work, prepared for hanging on a wall. 16pt font minimum.


1. Works in 1, 3, 5, and 8 must be properly framed. For the protection of your work as well as that of others, the frame should extend beyond the surface of the work. Hanging D-rings strung with wire are required on all 2 D works.
2. Unusually shaped pieces that require hanging must have appropriate hanging devices attached or included (2, 6, and 7).
3. Excessively fragile works and very heavy objects requiring special handling may be entered subject to the approval of the Visual Art Committee.
4. All works must be labeled on the back with the artist’s name, title, identification number, or any artist’s reference information corresponding with the consent form, using a tie-on tag or label that will not fall off. Jewelry and other items can be labeled with tags provided by the artist.
5. Work must be wired for hanging. Meaning wire attached to the back of your work, running horizontal, so it can be hung on the hanging system we have at the Arts Center. Work should be framed when possible but is not required for certain works. If you are unsure, contact the Exhibit Coordinator to clarify if your work is suitable for the Exhibit and how to best prepare your work for hanging.



For publicity purposes, each artist may submit up to three digital images of their work. Images should be in JPEG format. We recommend the shortest dimension of the submitted image by 1000 pixels. Artists MUST submit AT LEAST ONE DIGITAL IMAGE of each work. For three-dimensional art, each image may be used to present a different view of the object in space. For two-dimensional art, the first image must be a full, frontal view, while the other two may be details of the work. The Artist grants the ACCC permission to use these images for promotion on Facebook, social media, and the ACCC website. Other interested parties may photograph work while it is in the gallery for promotional purposes. This may include newspapers, writers, bloggers, magazines, etc. Members of the public may also post pictures of the artwork through their social media channels as they visit the Art Gallery as a destination point.


Gallery shows are open to everyone. Retail sales in the Gift Shop require current ACCC membership.


Please list all works submitted to the ACCC on the appropriate Intake Form.

Submit up to the maximum number of works specified in each Call for Artists, as this will vary from show to show. Please follow any specific directions relative to the Call you are interested in. The ACCC may not always be able to accommodate all accepted works due to space limitations.


Experienced workers and volunteers will take every precaution to ensure that works are not damaged. The ACCC will not be responsible for loss or damage to artworks, including frames and mountings, no matter how they are caused, and all works are submitted to the gallery subject to this condition. However, it is suggested that artists ensure work privately if they feel the need for such protection.


Any accepted work may be FOR SALE. The work will be sold, as displayed, through the Arts Consortium of Carver County at a commission to the ACCC. All accepted works, for each show, may remain on exhibit throughout the duration of that show. Works SOLD in the ARTS CENTER may be taken away at the time of sale. Initial follow-up works commissioned through an artist’s presence in the ARTS CENTER may be subject to commission to the ACCC. The sale price includes the frame, please price your work accordingly. Accepted work to the ACCC Gallery and Gift Shop will require an Artist’s Consent Agreement from the Artist.


The ACCC reserves the right to photograph any work in the exhibition for educational, catalog, internet, or publicity purposes. See IMAGES for more information.


Please reference the post about the Exhibit and pay attention to the pickup times at the conclusion of the Exhibit. If you cannot pick up your art during the scheduled pickup times, please make arrangements with the Exhibit Coordinator. Any work left at the Arts Center 30 days after an exhibit ends becomes the property of the ACCC.


In select ACCC exhibitions, Awards will be made to meritorious entries. Winners will be announced at the Artists’ Reception, in Southwest Metro newspapers, and on the ACCC website. The jury will consist of recognized individuals in diverse media.

If you have questions about any of the above, please contact: