Pandemic Arts Journal
Send us Your Literary Work, Images of Your Visual Arts, and Your Music! Welcome to the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal. Below is a collection of creative work from artists, writers, musicians and songwriters, and others in the region, that serves as a historical record of the abounding creativity in Carver County during these uncertain times.
We invite all Visual Artists, Writers, Songwriters, and Musicians, young and young at heart, to submit your responses to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Your work will be published below. Your creative expression will become part of a collective work expressing your thoughts, emotions, inspirations, etc. throughout the year. The journal will provide an artistic perspective on what is happening during this time.
Thank you and enjoy the ACCC Pandemic Arts Journal! To contribute to this project and support ACCC, please consider making a donation to the ACCC. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible.
If you’d like to submit your work, please visit our Call for Submissions post for entry instructions.
Search #ACCCPandemicArtsJournal on social media to see posts too!