The Arts Consortium of Carver County works to promote access, build an audience, and educate the community on the value of the arts. We serve artists of all mediums at all levels, providing opportunities to create, perform, respond, and connect to art.

Since 2009, the ACCC has enriched our community through programs, such as: 

Art Festivals and Fairs, uniting people and fostering belonging.

Education, encouraging creativity and exploration for all ages.

Gallery Shows, promoting local artists and enriching our culture.

Performances, offering a stage for musicians, songwriters, and writers.

Sales and Commissions, showcasing local artisans.

As a nonprofit 501c3, we rely on the support of members and local business leaders to sustain our mission. Generous contributions enable us to continue enriching our communities through the arts.


The Arts Consortium of Carver County is pleased to participate in these ongoing programs and services:
  • ArtStock Art & Wine Festival

  • Edge of the Big Woods Art Wander

  • Gallery and Public Art Exhibits

  • Music and Songwriting Performances

  • Literary Readings

  • ArtMatters Newsletter

  • Opportunities for Sales and Commissions

  • Business and Member Directory

  • Artist and Event Promotion

  • Collaboration with Schools and Youth Organizations

  • Fiscal Agency for Grant Recipients


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